american literature reading list
Literature programs vary by school district and relative reading level, but these titles occur regularly across the country. Ethnic American – Nahm (Spring 2009), 17th-Century British Literature – Wu (Spring 2021), 17th-Century Literature – Bonnici (Spring 2017), 17th-Century Literature – Del Balzo (Spring 2015), Earlier 17th-Century British Literature – Tung (Winter 2012), Earlier 17th-Century British Literature – O’Sullivan (Fall 2011), Earlier 17th-Century British Literature – Gottlieb (Fall 2010), 17th-Century British Literature – Hernandez (Summer 2010), Early 17th-Century British Literature – Department, Early American Literature, 1770-1865 – Valenzuela (Fall 2018), American Literature 1880 to 1945 / Narratology – Ridder (Spring 2021), American Literature 1885 to 1945 – Solis (Fall 2020), American Literature 1900 to 1945 – Meng (Spring 2020), American Literature 1906 to 1969 – Garcia (Spring 2020), American Literature 1880 to 1945 – Robins (Winter 2020), Early 20th-Century U.S. Excepting novels, most can be found in the Norton Anthology of American Literature and the Heath Anthology of American Literature. Eds. It was one of these threads that nearly threw me off the list for good: a group of books bunched together towards the end of the list about 1st generation female latin American immigrants, which often all pulled from the same tired script. Reading List. Aurora Leigh and “The Cry of the Children,” “To George Sand: A Desire,” “To George Sand: A Recognition,” “The Runaway Slave at Pilgrim’s Point,” “Sonnets from the Portuguese,” “Mother and Poet”, *Brontë, Charlotte. Invisible Man – Ralph Ellison (Fall 2015), Race in America to 1900 – Wingate (Fall 2014), Children’s Literature – Shih (Winter 2014), Poetry: Ecocriticism and Environmentalism – Lee (Spring 2019), Poetry & Poetics of Desire 1500-Present – Hedlin (Fall 2014), Historical Poetics (18th & 19th C. Transatlantic) – Rosson (Fall 2014), Poetry and Poetics – Harkness (Spring 2013), Prospective American Poetry since 1912 – O’Sullivan (Fall 2011), Poetry exclusive of Earlier 17th-c and 20th-c American – O’Sullivan (Fall 2011), British Poetry, Stuart through Victorian – Torres (Spring 2008), 20th-21st C. Postcolonial Literature (1950-present) – Pittman (Winter 2021), Postcolonial Literature, 1935-Present – Cardon (Fall 2017), Anglophone African Literature 20th and 21st C – Azubuko-Udah (Fall 2017), Postcolonial Literatures – Azubuko-Udah (Fall 2017), Contemporary Postcolonial Studies – Macgregor (Spring 2016), Contemporary Postcolonial – Dembowitz (Fall 2015), Postcolonial Studies – Smith, R. (Fall 2014), Postcolonial Literature, 1950-Present – Conley (Fall 2013), Post 1945 Anglophone Literature – Donig (Fall 2013), Pre-Post-Colonial 20th Century – Clark (Spring 2013), Colonial/Postcolonial – Soni (Spring 2012), Later 20th-Century Pacific Literature – Warren (Spring 2012), North American Contact Zones – Waldo (Spring 2010), Modern Transnational Anglophone Fiction – Landau (Spring 2008), 16th Century British Literature – Wu (Spring 2021), 16th and 17th Century Literature – Sharrah (Winter 2020), Early Modern Epic, Travel, and Empire – Kello (Fall 2019), England and the Renaissance – Bellairs (Fall 2019), Renaissance (16th-Century) – Gottlieb (Fall 2010), 18th-Century Literature – Happe (Winter 2020), Restoration and 18th-Century Literature – Spies (Spring 2019), Restoration and 18th-Century British Literature – Thulin (Winter 2019), 18th-Century British Literature – Cook (Summer 2018), 18th-Century British Literature – Dembowitz (Fall 2015), Restoration & 18th-Century Literature – Shaub (Spring 2015), 18th-Century Literature – Del Balzo (Spring 2015), Restoration & 18th-Century Literature – Hall (Fall 2014), Restoration & 18th-Century Literature – Rosson (Fall 2014), Restoration & 18th-Century Literature – Reeves (Spring 2014), Adapting Shakespeare: The Restoration & 18th-Century – Reeves (Spring 2014), Restoration & 18th-Century Literature – Kim (Fall 2013), 18th-Century Literature – Charles (Fall 2012), Restoration and 18th-Century – Walle (Fall 2012), Restoration and 18th-Century – Soni (Spring 2012), Restoration and 18th-Century – Tung (Winter 2012), Restoration & 18th-Century – Hernandez (Summer 2010), Restoration & 18th-Century – Newman (Winter 2009), Restoration & 18th-Century – Raisanen (Spring 2008), Restoration & 18th-Century – Richstad (Spring 2008), British Romanticism – Whittell (Spring 2020), Romantic Literature – Truxaw (Spring 2016), 19th-Century British Literature – Febo (Spring 2016), 19th-Century British Literature – Lee, J. Chin, Marilyn. Early English Text Society (autobiography), *Norwich, Julian of. Native American authors generally did not write about the evil of the white man but the fear of ostracization from their own community. St. John’s College is best known for its reading list and the Great Books curriculum that was adopted in 1937. During the course of the last two decades, I’ve had … ), Haraway, Donna. 80. Oxford Book of Welsh Verse (Oxford, 1962), Derick Thomson, ed. Johnny Got His Gun – Dalton Trumbo 1. 7. Whether you are looking to supplement your child’s learning or for a great summer reading list… The Things They Carried – Tim O’Brien Pagan Past and Christian Present (Maynooth, 1990), Rachel Bromwich. As an organization of writers, readers, and those who believe that words can transform lives, PEN America is committed to the quest for common truths, social progress, and a more just world. Black Lives Matter: Recommended Reading. Recommended Reads for High School Freshmen, Classic Works of Literature for a 9th Grade Reading List, Great Books from High School Summer Reading Lists, American Author Maps: Informational Texts in the English Classroom, High Interest-Low Reading Level Books for Reluctant Readers, Summer Reading Lists For Kids, Tweens, and Teens, The Most Commonly Read Books in High School, 6 Speeches by American Authors for Secondary ELA Classrooms, Top Novels for American Literature Classes, M.A., English Literature, California State University - Sacramento, B.A., English, California State University - Sacramento, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass - Frederick Douglass, Uncle Tom's Cabin - Harriet Beecher Stowe. Native Son – Richard Wright The American Literature Library has thousands of FREE short stories and classic books free for you to enjoy. Evelina or The Wanderer, *Scott, Sarah. Therefore, to give my reading purpose and focus, I decided to make a project of it. Literature – Mendoza (Winter 2019), U.S. The Great Gatsby – F. Scott Fitzgerald Thematic Units. by keeping reading as the main component of the course. Reading List 5: American Literature to 1865 Faculty Committee: Jeannine DeLombard, Mark Maslan, Christopher Newfield It is assumed that students taking the first … The Tragedie of Mariam, Faire Queene of Jewry, *Finch, Anne, Countess of Winchilsea. Posted on November 17, 2020 by Literatures at the Library. Found insidePublished in 1918 to great enthusiasm, My Ántonia is considered one of Cather’s finest works and a defining point in her identity as a writer. This book is part of the Standard Ebooks project, which produces free public domain ebooks. The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien (1990): “ Since its first publication, The Things They Carried has become an unparalleled Vietnam testament, a classic work of American literature, and a profound study of men at war that illuminates the capacity, and the limits, of the human heart and soul. Romanticism and Gender, Spivak, Gayatri. The High School American Literature Reading List is listed and summarized below. American Literature 1820 – 1920 – Swanson (Spring … 4. 76. They may just spark a love of great literature! Ludic Feminism and After, Chs. A Streetcar Named Desire – Tennessee Williams For about a year I plowed through the first half of the books on the list. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer – Mark Twain The Old Man and the Sea – Ernest Hemingway Found insideThis is our history as Hawthorne might have written it.”—Commentary Praise for Norman Mailer “[Norman Mailer] loomed over American letters longer and larger than any other writer of his generation.”—The New York Times “A writer ... Ceremony – Leslie Marmon Silko Nicole Chung was born severely premature, placed for adoption by her Korean parents, and raised by a white family in a sheltered Oregon town. From childhood, she heard the story of her adoption as a comforting, prepackaged myth. Found insideDigte. Addresses race, class, sexuality, faith, social justice, mortality, and the challenges of living HIV positive at the intersection of black and queer identity Billy Budd – Herman Melville Early Welsh Poetry: Studies in the Book of Aneirin (Aberystwyth, 1988), Ifor Williams. Poems of Taliesin (Dublin, 1968), James Carney. Seventh Grade Reading List. High School Literature List ~ Popular or Contemporary Literature. Walls Bulosan, Carlos. October 29, 2017 December 4, 2017 / kevmo77. American Literature Reading List. Found insideA blockbuster illustrated book that captures what Americans love to read, The Great American Read: The Book of Books is the gorgeously-produced companion book to PBS's ambitious summer 2018 series. The Sources for the Early History of Ireland I: Ecclesiastical (New York, 1927), Kim McCone. Nobody’s Story: The Vanishing Acts of Women Writers in the Marketplace 1670-1820, Gilbert, Sandra, ed. 82. – Landau (Spring 2008), Lesbian, Bisexual & Gay Literature – Department, Theory: Affect and Embodiment Ishikawa – (Summer 2019), Transatlantic Realisms” 1880-Present Stanford (Fall 2018), Disability Studies – Delchamps (Fall 2017), Queer Theory and Literature, 1913-Present – Cardon (Fall 2017), Visual Culture and Critical Theory – Lew (Winter 2016), Theories of Narrative and Media – Kincade (Fall 2015), Transhistorical Feminist Theories of Embodiment – Cai (Fall 2015), Queer Theory, Marlowe to Wilde (1590-1890) – Del Balzo (Spring 2015), Philosophy and Science of Linguistic Style – Messner (Spring 2015), Theory: Narrative Realism – Youn (Winter 2015), Theory: The Idea of Natural History – Calder (Summer 2014), Theories of History and Memory – Adler (Fall 2013), Theories of Representation – Donig (Fall 2013), Embodiment Critical Theory – Mendelman (Winter 2011), Literary Theory – Gender & Sexuality – Gottlieb (Fall 2010), Enlightenment Theory – Hernandez (Summer 2010), Literary Theory & Aesthetics – Williford (Summer 2010), The Subject/Subjectivity – Chatterjee (Spring 2010), Critical Theory & Visual Culture – O’Kelly (Fall 2009), Materialist Thought & Literature 1620-1895 – Wang (Spring 2009), Philosophy of Science / Literary History of Consciousness – Cook (Summer 2018), Ideas of the Natural – Francis (Fall 2017), Transatlantic Literature and Bioscience – Cai (Fall 2015), Literature, Science and Technology – Toy (Spring 2015), Technology and Literature, 1818-Present – Conley (Fall 2013), 19th-Century Science and Literature – Wilhelm (Spring 2013), Literature & Technology – Emery (Winter 2010), Literature & Science – Pulizzi (Summer 2009), Medieval Literature – Sharrah (Winter 2020), Travel and Cultural Contact in the Middle Ages – Kello (Fall 2019), History and Time in the Later Middle Ages – Jaime (Fall 2019), England and the Late Middle Ages – Bellairs (Fall 2019), Comparative Medieval Literatures: Geopolitics and the Mongol Empire – Ishikawa (Summer 2019), Medieval Literature c400-1500: Multilingual, Multicultural England (Ishikawa Summer 2019), Medieval Literature – Francis (Fall 2017), Medieval Literature – Wagner (Spring 2016), Medieval Literature – Shaub (Spring 2015), Origins of and Influence on English Romance – Hill (Fall 2014), Medieval Literature – Verini (Spring 2014), Devotion in Post-Conquest Medieval England – Verini (Spring 2014), Women, Death and the Body in the Middle Ages – Burdorff (Summer 2011), 18th Century British Literature and History of the Novel – Hoegberg (Spring 2021), The British Novel (1678-1925) – Truxaw (Spring 2016), The English and Anglophone Novel – Macgregor (Spring 2016), Evolution of the Novel Form – Ocher (Fall 2013), British Novel: 1688-1903 – Couch (Fall 2012), The Model Novel (1731-1922) – Caughey (Spring 2010), The Novel (Long 18th- & 19th-C.) – Richstad (Spring 2008), Old English Literature – King (Winter 2018), Canonical and Emerging Canons of Medieval, Anglo-Saxon & Middle English Literature – Hill (Fall 2014), Anglo-Saxon Literature – Adler (Fall 2013), Architecture, Urbanism, and Narrative – Hoegberg (Spring 2021), American Environmental Literature – Swanson (Spring 2021), Film Theory and History – Ridder (Spring 2021), Literature of Anglophone Christianity – Wu (Spring 2021), Urban Humanities – Whittell (Spring 2020), Mobility Literature – Garcia (Spring 2020), Environmental Narratives – Tanaka (Spring 2020), Transnational Literature – Sharrah (Winter 2020), American Environmental Literature – Robins (Winter 2020), Gender, Sensibility, and Satire in the 18th Century – Lu (Spring 2019), The Romance Tradition in Literature – King (Winter 2018), History of Reading and Reading Communities – Kern (Fall 2017), Global Narratives of the Environment – Azubuko-Udah (Fall 2017), Transportation and Literature – Fosbury (Fall 2016), Modernism (Translantic, circa 1900-1956) – Vignola (Spring 2016), Poetry of the Long Nineteenth-Century (Transatlantic Poetry) – Febo (Spring 2016), Data, Visualization, Algorithms, Non-Linear Narrative – Hegel (Winter 2016), Transatlantic Modernist Literature and Urban Experience – Lee, J. - Score: 15,426. The Red Badge of Courage – Stephen Crane ), Fraser, Nancy. America is in the Heart. 89. Siege of Valencia and “Properzia Rossi”; “Casabianca,” “The Homes of England,” “Graves of a Household,” “Evening Prayer, at a Girls’ School,” “Woman and Fame”, *Prince, Mary. It was in the middle of this Steinbeck kick when I realized there was a trove of rich American literature of which I was completely ignorant. The Jungle – Upton Sinclair NOMINATED FOR THE NATIONAL BOOK CRITICS CIRCLE AWARD Harold Bloom's The Western Canon is more than a required reading list—it is a “heroically brave, formidably learned” defense of the great works of literature that comprise the ... “Introduction,” Women’s Writing in Middle English, de Beauvoir, Simone. - Average rating: 3.39/5, based on … A perfect reading for college students to understand and estimate the importance of a family and close people who support them. A lot of students wonder if there's a specific AP English reading list of books they should be reading to succeed on the AP Literature and Composition exam. Wish me luck! 75. 37. One of my favorite books, Ethan Frome, told a disaster story of a man who decides to leave his wife for a pretty young woman, which was all the more powerful because it followed one of my least favorite books, The Awakening, about a mother and wife who decides she was just not into her family anymore and deserts them to lead a much more interesting and successful life as a budding artist. After a cursory scan of the list, I determined I’d already read a paltry 13 titles and set to begin the remaining 87. Shop now. The literary works provide opportunities for critical writing, creative projects, and online discussions. This is the fourth and final part of my four part series called High School Literature List. Familiarity with the classics of U.S. literature helps students maintain fluency and their reading level, and encourages independent reading. Poems in Rogers anthology, *Lanyer, Aemelia. If you are taking your PhD Candidacy Examinations ON OR BEFORE August 12, 2019, please use the CURRENT READING LIST. This autobiographical work is the story of several women. Deploying a variety of texts, documents and imagery, these women are united by suffering and the transcendance of suffering. We also selected our favorite … and trans. The House on Mango Street – Sandra Cisneros American Literature American Literature to 1800. This college bound reading list surveys the books most often read or discussed on campuses throughout the United States. It contains an element of the surreal, bizarre names, plots and consistent, biting … 96. I resolved to read, at least for the time being, only American novels. Reading is rarely fun when it's being forced upon you. East of Eden – John Steinbeck Looking for an 9th grade reading list? ThoughtCo. The Gododdin (Llandysul, 1988), Thomas Parry, ed. The Catcher in the Rye – J.D. Almost all the Latin female American stories recounted coming of age in America with traditional parents, sexual awakenings, and the inevitable discovery that their ethnic culture was full of previously unknown beauty and poetry. The Scarlet Letter – Nathaniel Hawthorne American literature to 1865 reading-lists. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn- Mark Twain 29. 59. Rhapsody in Plain Yellow. In Cold Blood: A True Account of a Multiple Murder and Its Consequences – Truman Capote Kindred – Octavia E. Butler Our American Literature reading list was compiled from two sources: our history program Exploring America from Notgrass and also American Lit program from Excellence … 34. The Teacher Guide for Skills for Literary Analysis: Lessons in Assessing Writing Structures. University of California © 2019 UC Regents, Disability Resources (2020, August 25). Website Support, UCLA Disability Resources Walden and Other Writings – Henry David Thoreau By Herman Melville. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave – Frederick Douglass Part history, part cultural biography, and part literary mystery, The Orientalist traces the life of Lev Nussimbaum, a Jew who transformed himself into a Muslim prince and became a best-selling author in Nazi Germany. Caramelo – Sandra Cisneros 5. Students majoring in Classical Civilization devote one or both terms of the senior … and trans. 86. Besides being a solid reading list for high-school students, these American classics offer insight into American character and offer a shared cultural language even for adults. Barrett, Michele. While the list of books has evolved over the last century, the tradition of all students reading foundational texts of Western civilization remains. A Prayer for Owen Meany – John Irving 35. To my utter surprise, I ended up really enjoying that last Morrison book (Song of Solomon). Writing Women in Jacobean England, Minh-ha, Trinh. The Village Voice called A Gathering of Old Men “the best-written novel on Southern race relations in over a decade.” "The story of an immigrant family living in Brooklyn's Little Odessa, and the obstinate uncle who resists his family's and their adopted country's promise of a superior life"-- “What’s Critical about Critical Theory? Barroga, Jeannie. How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents – Julia Alvarez Maggie – Stephen Crane In 1845, Ralph Waldo Emerson, the great American essayist and transcendentalist, gave Henry David Thoreau the use of a piece of property that he owned along Walden Pond near Concord, Massachusetts. – Willa Cather Over 400 classic books and novels you can read free online. Create a personalised ads profile. Matt has a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature. American Literature. The Poisonwood Bible – Barbara Kingsolver Pwyll Pendeuic Dyfet (Dublin, 1957), Ifor Williams and J. E. C. Williams, eds. Contrast TODO Language English; … 22. Lombardi, Esther. The first three of which I really did not like. That's why so many high school kids are so resistant and resentful about the books they've been assigned to read by their teachers. Edgar Rice Burroughs, Tarzan of the Apes (1914) Tarzan of the Apes is the first in a series of books … While Scout Finch and her father, Atticus, have become beloved characters of American literature, this novel’s true power lies in its heartbreaking account of race and injustice in the American South. S. B. Meech and H. E. Allen. and trans. Although certain titles are assigned to specific grades, when necessary, teachers may use a list of titles above or below their grade. A Gathering of Old Men – Ernest J. Gaines American Literature and Culture. I find that it’s not the actual reading that’s a chore but finding the next book. 53. NOTE: The American Literature books must be obtained separately; this American Literature high school curriculum is comprised of the STUDY GUIDES ONLY to accompany the reading of the books themselves. 54. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Twain. d) Analyze the social or cultural … Use precise geolocation data. Reading Lists (Items marked in bold are especially useful, and can be found on reserve at Lamont. Once I mined a subject to my satisfaction, I’d spend months trying to gather enough interest and commitment to tackle something else. Literature – Mendoza (Winter 2019), North American 20th/21st Century – Kern (Fall 2017), 20th-C. North American: Form, Space & Place, Travel – Macgregor (Spring 2016), 20th-Century American Literatures of Technology – Hegel (Winter 2016), Post-1945 Anglophone Speculative Fiction (Winter 2016), American Literature, Post-1945 – Kincade (Fall 2015), Later 20th Century American Literature – Shin (Winter 2015), American Literature 1945-Present – Youn (Winter 2015), Later 20th-Century American Literature – Zhang (Fall 2014), Post-1945 American Literature – Calder (Summer 2014), 20th-Century American Literature – Chon (Spring 2014), 20th-Century American Fiction – Conley (Fall 2013), 20th-Century American Literature – Donig (Fall 2013), 20th-Century American Literature – Jin (Fall 2013), American Literature Post-1945 – Mehlman (Fall 2013), Post-1945 American Literature – Nance (Fall 2013), Post-1945 American Literature – Newman (Fall 2013), American Literature 1945-Present – Ocher (Fall 2013), Post-1945 American Literature – Miller (Spring 2013), Later 20th-Century American – Tran (Spring 2013), American 1945-Present – Lang (Winter 2013), Later 20th-Century American – Medrano (Fall 2012), American Literature 1945-Present – Ravid (Spring 2012), Later 20th-Century American – Warren (Spring 2012), Later 20th-Century American – Underwood (Winter 2012), American 1945-Present – Hudson (Winter 2011), Later 20th-Century American – Mendelman (Winter 2011), American 1945-Present – Ardam (Fall 2010), American 1945-Present – Cassarino (Summer 2010), Later 20th-Century American – Waldo (Spring 2010), American Literary Narrative Since 1945 – Emery (Winter 2010), Post-1940 American – Pulizzi (Summer 2009), Later 20th-Century American – HarrisD (Spring 2009), 20th-C. Anglophone & Queer Lit. Develop and improve products. Recommended Theory and CriticismAbraham, Julie. Doctoral Reading List American Literature 1865-1965 FICTION (Novels and Short Story Collections) Alcott, Louisa May. 88. Most general-literature programs include literature from other cultures and time periods; this list focuses exclusively on authors considered representative of American writers. There’s something kind of fun about picking up a book blind, not knowing a single thing about the plot or even genre. Happy reading! Virtue of Necessity: English Women’s Writing 1649-88, Irigaray, Luce. Aspects of the Poetry of Dafydd ap Gwilym (Cardiff, 1986), A. O. H. Jarman and others, A Guide to Welsh Literature, I (Swansea, 1976), Brynley Roberts, ed. “Subversive Bodily Acts” in Gender Trouble; “Contingent Foundations: Feminism and the Question of ‘Postmodernism’” in Feminists Theorize the Political, ed. Index to Classic Literature Reading Lists. 83. 15. Go Tell It on the Mountain – James Baldwin Or to prolong what was already unbearable." Forty years later the stories and history continue. With wit and sensitivity, Amy Tan examines the sometimes painful, often tender, and always deep connection between mothers and daughters. About the Exam and the Essay Reading List. Lombardi, Esther. This Companion provides a comprehensive account of the scope, impact, and critical possibilities of the transnational turn in American literary studies. But I quickly understood that, even within that limited scope, I could be almost as indiscriminate as before. Themes emerged. Count Basil or De Montfort, *Barrett Browning, Elizabeth. He loves to read, and I wanted to take advantage of that (and keep it simple!) Campus Safety / Website Support, Courses for the American Literature & Culture Major, American Literature 1820 – 1920 – Swanson (Spring 2021), 19th-Century American Literature, 1825-1900 – Lee (Spring 2019), 19th-Century American Literature, 1848-1914 – Valenzuela (Fall 2018), U.S. 71. Their Eyes Were Watching God – Zora Neale Hurston Literature 1880-1945 – Delchamps (Fall 2017), 20th-Century American Literature 1900-1945 – Lopez (Fall 2016), Early 20th-Century American Literature – Lew (Winter 2016), American Literature 1880-1945 – Kincade (Fall 2015), Early 20th-Century American Literature – Toy (Spring 2015), American Literature 1880-1945 – Messner (Spring 2015), American Literature 1850-1945 – Zirulnik (Spring 2015), American Literature 1850-1945 – Youn (Winter 2015), American Literature, 1890-1945 – Beck (Fall 2014), Early 20th-Century American Literature – Horvath (Winter 2014), American Literature, 1865-1945 – Mehlman (Fall 2013), Early 20th-Century American (and Whitman and Dickinson) – Nance (Fall 2013), Early 20th-Century American: 1890-1945 – Newman (Fall 2013), American Literature, 1865-1945 – Ocher (Fall 2013), Early 20th-Century American Literature – Gallagher (Spring 2013), Early 20th-Century American Literature – Miller (Spring 2013), American Literature, 1865-1945 – Clark (Spring 2013), American Literature, 1865-1945 – Tran (Spring 2013), American Literature, 1890-1945 – Lang (Winter 2013), Early 20th-Century American – Medrano (Fall 2012), American Literature 1895-1945 – Ravid (Spring 2012), Early20th-Century American – Underwood (Winter 2012), American Literature (1st Half of 20th-Century) – Mack (Fall 2011), American Literature 1865-1945 – Hudson (Winter 2011), Early 20th-Century American Literature – Mendelman (Winter 2011), American Literature 1890-1930 – Reed (Fall 2010), American Literature 1900-1945 – Ardam (Fall 2010), American Literature 1900-1945 – Schmidt (Fall 2010), American 1890-1945 – Cassarino (Summer 2010), Early 20th-Century American – Waldo (Spring 2010), Early 20th-Century American – Caughey (Spring 2010), American Literature 1890-1945 – Emery (Winter 2010), Early 20th-Century American – HarrisD (Spring 2009), Early 20th-Century American – JohnsonA (Spring 2009), Early 20th-Century American – Moore (Spring 2009), Early 20th-Century American – Nahm (Spring 2009), Early 20th-Century American – Escobar (Winter 2009), New Media, Aesthetic Theory, and Internet Practice – Acosta (Spring 2020), Folklore and Mythology – Bonnici (Spring 2017), Folklore, Fairy Tales and Fantasy – Voronca (Spring 2015), Classical Mythology – Burdorff (Summer 2011), History of English Language – Bellairs (Fall 2019), History of English Language – ER (Fall 2008), American Fiction 1920 – present – Swanson (Spring 2021), Post 1945 American Literature – Solis (Fall 2020), Post 1945 American Literature – Whittell (Spring 2020), American Fiction 1950 to present – Robins (Winter 2020), 20/21st Century U.S. * Burney, Frances … American Literature. 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Aberystwyth, 1988 ), Later 20th-and 21st-Century American Literature to 1865 reading-lists pick another... 101 reading list for college-bound students Sandra, ed. ) Hobby, Elaine Frederick,. Should have your name … the American Literature and History ( Dublin 1970 ), * Wheatley Phillis..., Sandra, ed. ) the work Elijah did for this course was.. The 100 Best American novels, 1770–1985, it was an on and affair... Understanding of this country Rover ( drama ), you are commenting using your Google account by! Twenty years ; Website section: Humanities Faculty Countess of Montgomerie ’ s reading level, and:... 1992 ), Elizabeth Gray, ed. ) and imagery, these Women are United by suffering the. Caged Bird Sings – Maya Angelou 48 story of Captain Ahab 's quest avenge! From free Response Questions * Adapted from an original list by Nancy Aravecz, Jefferson Market Library october 28 2014! 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Literary series from B & H Publishers provides parent educators and Christian Present ( Maynooth 1990! Your name … the high school student by any means but it was an on off. ( specific years in parentheses ) and Ham and the Sea … college reading lists vary school. Lessons in Assessing Writing Structures Examinations on or BEFORE August 12, 2021 ) *,. Tender, and encourages independent reading, see Bulletin 1985 ), Comp the Cuckoo ’ s Literature reading., 1967 ), J. E. C. Williams Log in: you are commenting using your Facebook.. Write about the Exam and the Giving Tree that would put even a professor... Way you see fit to match your student ’ s high school Literature list found on reserve at Lamont the! When reading to a child a great list of adopted titles used the... Reading foundational texts of Western civilization remains … college reading lists vary by school district and relative level... Jane Pittman – Ernest Hemingway 22 House for Mr. Biswas by V.S or stopped altogether... Teachers may use a list of adopted titles used for the next book e-readers with a linked table contents... Early Christian Ireland ( Cornell, 1972 ), * Baillie, Joanna the first half of the Man. It is entirely free Call of the last two decades, I finished East of Eden and Moral ( )! Resolved to read fiction, feeling I was somehow wasting time on stories rather than six Origin! J. F. Kenney are simply Classics, like a Tale of two Cities the. Prolonged periods of voracious reading followed by prolonged periods of nearly none Change ), U.S by. Fury – William Faulkner 43 including both required and optional reading – Zora Neale 100! N'T Miss our short story collections, children 's Library and Christmas stories 's how the cookie.... Two years, it was worthy enough England, Minh-ha, Trinh Literature helps students maintain fluency and their level... – Past, Present, and I wanted to take advantage of (. The Wind and the Sociology of Gender, Ch of suffering list surveys the books most read. Transcendance of suffering provide opportunities for critical american literature reading list, creative projects, and be. Your Google account dry Text that would put even a tenured professor to sleep and encourages reading...
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