flight 11 cockpit transcript

Posted on February 11, 2021 in Uncategorized

I just got now, it’s one nine eight nine. 8:15:11 — N7ML: PDM 240, we'll begin down (unreadable) 7 ML. Herndon Center: Yeah, Terry, we’re getting a lot of traffic on this bridge, I, I copied that, let’s keep doin’ that, ah, contact to the Command Center, the ATA rep, see if we can get the airline company operations to contact their aircraft. Controller: MCC, when able, ah, the kill direction, once again, I want it one more time before I tell these guys. Washington Center: Ok, I guess you’d called here a couple of times, you never talked to me, but if there’s anything you need, or anything I can help you with, let, let me know what it is right now please. I’m not goin’ to say too much right now, but, ah, I wanted to give you a heads up. While flying 35,000 feet above eastern Ohio, United 93 suddenly lost 7,000 feet as the terrorists rushed the cockpit. AIRLINE pilots are banned from small talk during take off and landing because of a little known rule introduced after a horror crash which left 72 dead. Ah, we’re not sure. NY Center: Holy cow, that’s two, ah, one just hit (indistinct) an hour ago. Cleveland Center: ExecJet 956, did you understand that transmission? AAL: He turned his transponder off, so we don’t have a definitive altitude for him. [Background] Unknown: Who’s that guy? A flight attendant told me that the pilot and copilot had been forced from the cockpit and may have been wounded. AA2493: Yeah, we, ah, sent a message to dispatch to have him come up on twenty twenty seven, is that what you want him to do? Cleveland Center Controller: Ok. United 93, Cleveland, if you hear the center, ident. 8:18:01 — Flex jet: Boston center, flex jet 420 checking in passing 18 for 230. Battaglia: Don’t know but just stand by. ID Tech Unknown: We have all of our fighters out over the other aircraft. D2433: (Indistinct) out of twenty four, thirty three. 37. 8:10:37 — 46R: FDX3258 Cleared direct biggo. Scoggins: Uh, no, right now, right now, it’s just, ah, no we don’t have any mode C. ID Tech: You don’t know where he is at all? The Vice President has cleared—, MCC Position: Vice President has cleared us to intercept tracks—. Authenticate delta x-ray. It’s speculation only. Uh, I know that’s not going to help you, but if you’re talking to FAA they might be able to help you, thirteen oh four. Ok, go ahead. Weapons Position: (Indistinct) make sure you know what’s goin’ on. 090608 AA11 Confirmed on Tape We Have Planes Line. New York Center: Ah, I also had conversation with American Airlines, and they’ve told us that they believe that, ah, one of their stewardesses was stabbed and that there are people in the cockpit who have control of the aircraft, and that’s all the information they have, ah, right now. Battaglia: Do you, ah, see that United 175 anywhere? Boston Center: We’re putting a ground stop on everything. 8:09:02 — FDX3258: 180 Roger and, uh, for the heading, uh, is mach 8 or less 3258. Boston Center: Tony, we’re gonna stop everybody, we’re gonna shut, we’re gonna shut Boston down, I’d suggest the same elsewhere. Cleveland Center: Ah, because he’s screaming that on the frequency. Atta: (Indistinct) we have some planes. IT Tech: And is there any military assistance requested? 91. There are fourteen of us here in the back. But, ah, somewhere along the way here he took a left turn and he’s not talking to anyone. Weapons Position: Otis on battle stations. 101145 NEADS Discussion with Syracuse Cdr. ID Tech: (Indistinct) on the DVFR, sir, that was six miles? Huntress: Copy. This was the initial, ah, hijack information that we got, American one one, it’s a seven sixty seven, from Boston to Los Angeles. 8:10:47 — 46R: FDX3258, your traffic you're going to be following is 12 o'clock and about, uh, 10 miles also southbound with company, company jet. 8:09:02 — FDX3258: 180 Roger and, uh, for the heading, uh, is mach 8 or less 3258. Joe: I’m looking, hold one, southwest of Newark by about fifteen twenty? Investigators search through the remains of UAL #93 in Pennsylvania. Fox: Alright, our last actual reported position if he didn’t crash into the World Trade Center is twenty miles south of JFK. Cleveland Center: Is someone talkin’ about it at least? 8:22:23 — DAL351: Climbing now to 350, DAL351. USAir1751: Ah, 1751, descend to three five zero. AA1060: Roger American, ah, 1066, with you. Contact Huntress on frequency two three four decimal six and back up three six four decimal two. ID Tech: Ok, sir, well I’m goin’ to go ahead and just give them a call. Indianapolis Center: Hang on, hang on a second. Any, ah, ELTs? Nasypany: Sir, we’ve got an aircraft (indistinct) east of the White House right now. Nasypany: Ok. Take a lat, last lat long and they were doin’ two hundred and ninety knots. The book is narrative in style yet is highly factual and heavily annotated. I am monitoring a call in which flight 11, the flight attendant is advising our reps that the pilot, everyone’s been stabbed. Alright, I’m disconnecting now. Scoggins: No we don’t, he’s a primary target, only. 8:27:20 — 46R: UAL175, contact the, um, Boston center on 133.42. ID Tech Unknown: And, he is in your center. 14 August 2013 … ID Tech: (Indistinct) I just talked to them. Regan National Tower Controller: Gofer, ah, zero six, ok, they’re asking if you would go ahead and move away now towards the west, two seventy heading and, ah, two thousand for now. But they said somewhere, it was, last time I talked to ‘em they said that it was East of York, and I don’t even know what state that is. Thomas: Lost all, yes lost, no primary, or ah that we could see. 093927 D1989 ID Scoggins 3d ac is D1989. Nasypany: Uh, (indistinct) they just did a quick turn, they got no weapons. Ok, American ten six and Executive 956, we just lost the target on that aircraft. Herndon Center: There’s another aircraft? Nasypany: Near the White House, Jesus, Fox. New York Center: (Internal communication). FAA Headquarters: All right, they’re pulling Jeff away to go talk about United 93. 8:21:59 — 46R: Flex420, maintain, ah, what are you going to increase to? And is this confirmed? Found insideThe treatment appears in this scriptbook, along with an astonishing article by Michael Bronner about the U.S. Air Force response to the hijacking, film reviews by Martin Amis, Peter Bradshaw, David Denby, and Stephen King, a Q&A with Paul ... Among the jetliners were American Airlines Flight 11 (AAL11) and United 28. ID Tech: Umm, all I need is the lat long, last known position of the seven sixty seven. There’s been at least one hijack this morning and possibly two. (Indistinct) they’re mine. Hang on a minute, I’m goin’ to have the Ops Manager tell ya the story. Ziad Jarrah: (Indistinct) please sit down and remain sitting. So I want to make sure I got clear concise words to him before he leaves. Sandy Dahl, widow of United Airlines pilot Jason Dahl, says the cockpit recording of Flight 93’s final minutes supports her belief that her husband helped fight off the 9/11 hijackers. ID Tech: If you could please give us a call, and let us know, ah, you know any information, that would be great. We don’t know where he is going, we don’t know what altitude he’s at. The culmination of hundreds of interviews with family members and months of investigation, Among the Heroes is the definitive story of the courageous men and women aboard Flight 93, and of the day that forever changed the way Americans view ... The cockpit crew were killed and plane was … Mike Lima: Two four zero, will begin now, Mike Lima. Herndon Center: Ok. You have a transponder on this aircraft or did he go primary? USAir217: Direct (indistinct) mountain, US Air 217. Norfolk Approach: Quit 25, roger. New York TRACON: Another one just hit it hard. Two KC 10s. Mode 3 one three zero four, we’re not sure of his intentions, and we had—, Cleveland Center Male: Hold on, hold on, I, ah, want you to talk to ah—. We’re trying to get a hold of him. Nasypany: Two from Selfridge are airborne already. Ah, the plane’s in a rapid descent, ah, Howland: (Indistinct) Is the cockpit still. We assume he’s at flight level two nine zero. Radio transmission: Yeah, we’re hearing him loud and clear, Background: Goin’ direct DC with our guys. 8:18:12 — Flex420: Climbing to 240 flex jet 420. be O.K. Ah, Indy, Indianapolis Center was workin’ this guy—, Washington Center: At flight level three five zero, however—. New York Center Unknown: They were trackin’ him, made a hard left turn, he descended pretty rapidly, and especially with just happened in there. We lost communications and radar with him. Below are links to the sound files - which span two hours - along with full transcripts. 8:24:38 — Unknown: (Unreadable) We have some planes. (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) DAVID MATTINGLY, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): In the midst of the 9/11 attacks, United Flight 93 crashed mysteriously at the edge of an open feel near Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Floor Leadership: You read that from the Vice President, right? ID Tech Unknown: We are in the process of trying to get some aircraft up right now sir. Regan National Tower Controller: Alright. Last I knew they had a primary on it. Norfolk Approach: Quit 25, Norfolk approach, how do you hear? 090234 AA11 Jones thought some planes as in plural. Howland: Ok, we lost the (indistinct). [Background] Weapons Position: (Indistinct). It’s just north of, ah, New York City. ID Tech: We don’t know where it is though, it’s headed toward Washington, was the last known information. [Background] FAA: I’ve got, ah, ah, two flights here now. Wyatt: Michael, is that severe, is that slashed throat a flight attendant? Cleveland Center: ExecJet 956 that aircraft we believe was transmitting is twelve o’clock one five miles turn left heading two two five, I’ll get you away from him. [Background] Unknown: I just got off the phone with the Colonel and he has one E3 on, that’s on its way out here (indistinct). 084000 AA11 Panta 45 Battle Stations Cape Tape. King: How about, can you tell me if we know for sure if it was American 11 that went into the Trade Center or not? Cleveland Center Controller: What’s that? So, we have three call signs, we don’t know what the third call sign is yet. Thank you sir. ollowing Yeah, they’re ours. But ah, he was to the Northwest of Albany and now he’s ah down by Sparta, losing speed very rapidly, we believe he is a primary only, and uh, we believe he’s in a descent, and that’s why he’s, ah, he’s, he’s slowing down. I don’t know if he is a hijack or not. 72. MCC Position: So if you’re trying to divert somebody and he won’t divert—. Boston Center: Tony, it sounds like, we’re talkin’ to New York, that there’s another one aimed at the World Trade Center. Scoggins: Ah, yes. That’s what they’re, that’s what they’re speculating. I’ve got a report from eastern, FAA eastern region air traffic, that it dropped off radar that it dropped over Indiana. Any information? Wyatt: Listen, let’s just see when the next flight to Kennedy is, just to see if he’s goin’ to Kennedy, so we can be ready. They thought that the American one one was the aircraft that crashed into the World Trade Center with the United one seven five. Ah, I’ve got guys that will be launching in about 15 minutes. Cooper: Until you guys can pick him up on primary radar. Regan National Tower Controller: Alright. Surveillance Tech 1: September 11th, 2001. 16. 82. ID Tech 1: Huntress ID, unsecure line. 8:09:52 — 46R: DAL544, Contact Boston center 125.57. US1168: Boston, good morning US 1168 checkin’ in, ah, two eight oh. Unknown: I talked with ID, and we had a phone call that came down to us saying that they had a possible hijack out of Boston. 8:26:21 — 46R: Flexjet 420, Boston center 125.57. United1523: Yes I did seven ninety seven and, ah, we couldn’t tell what it was either. I’m on with security, ok Betty? 100744 UA93 Report of Black Smoke AA77 Q re Police Report. Cleveland Center: Roger. Cleveland Center Controller: United 1523 did you hear your company, ah, did you hear, ah, some interference on the frequency, ah, couple a minutes ago, screaming? 8:12:19 — FDX3258: Direct Sparta FDX3258 heavy. Nasypany: Yeah, I know. [Background] New York TRACON: (Indistinct). ID Tech: Ok, there are three aircraft missing out of Boston. 60. FO says forget the tail chase, even though we couldn’t find him. They just did a strafing run up to the range, they blew all their load. 084629 NEADS CC Summary for BC 25 Miles Z Point. ID type, tail. [Background] Unknown: Panta four five four six. [Background] Unknown: Try and get into a tail chase with this American one one headed toward Washington, if we can find him. Need you to find, tell me anything, or everything you can about American 77, where he is and if you have radar or not. I can go in on the line and ask the flight attendant questions. Nasypany:: They just got scrambled about, ah, two minutes ago. Indianapolis Center: American 77, Indy, radio check, how do you read? Langley Command Post: Langley Command Post on. Richmond: Do you want me to (indistinct). Scoggins: We thought for some reason to believe it was American 11. Cape Sector: USAIR 2047, did you copy this? Background: OK, we couldn’t find the position on the airplane. AAL: Who’s helping them, is there a doctor on board? Unknown Boston Controller: Call the supervisor, please. ID Tech: I’m sorry, sir, is it a deviating aircraft or is it a DVFR? Todd Beamer was and evangelical Christian and one of the heroes of Flight 93 on September 11, 2001. 33. There are fourteen of us here in the back. American Airlines: We’re doin’ it. Sr. ID Tech: See this guy, they, Boston is the only one givin’ us any kinds of decent, freaking input. Transcripts of the conversations of commercial pilots and their crews document fatal and nonfatal aircraft accidents and are accompanied by a summary of the outcome of each incident ID Tech Unknown: And if they give you a head’s up, that’s all we have right now, but he is confirmed hijack. ID Tech: And where are they going now, do you know? Everything will be ok. Scoggins: I’ll try and give ‘em a call. Nasypany: OK, thank you sir, and if you want to talk to Colonel, ah, Marr he is up at six four oh three, sir. 095934 NEADS MCC What Are We Going To Do. US1168: Ok, roger 1168, we copy, and just, ah, to confirm that was an airliner that crashed into the World Trade Center? New York Center Unknown: Holy smokes. Medex 150: Yeah, we just, ah, turned on the ADF to try and find out, something pretty serious up there. I have no idea if, if that happened. to be following is 12 o'clock and about, uh, 10 miles also southbound American Airlines: You know we lost American 11, to a hijackin’, so, American was up, ah, a Boston to Los Angeles flight. FAA HQ: Uh, from the airplane or from the ground? I’m trying to [background (indistinct)] plane took a turn to the south, and, and now I’m ah, I don’t know what altitude he’s at or what he’s doin’, (indistinct) headed towards Falmouth at thirty five. ExecJet 956: That traffic we’re turning for, is that about a two to three o’clock? 8:11:58 — 46R: AAL11, your traffic is at, uh, 2 o'clock 20 miles southwest-bound MD80 310. 8:22:13 — DAL351: DAL351 leaving 15.4 for 230. New York Center Unknown: Do you know who he is? ID Tech Unknown: Ah, we’ve got other aircraft (indistinct). OK, are you listening? 091626 AA11 AA77 ATCSCC King with Halleck AAL. Tower you’re cleared to drop. ID Tech Unknown: OK, he’s on a, do you have like mode 3 capability or anything? He’s Southwest of Albany, by one five miles. Wyatt: Something’s wrong. 090247 UA175 Vis United Report into Tower TRACOM TMUDD. Copy that? ExecJet 956: Alright, we’ve got him on TCAS, I think we got him. Major Fox: Any track of interest that’s headin’ towards a major city you will ID, if you cannot diver them away from a major city, you are to confirm with me first, most likely you will get clearance to shoot. On Sept. 11, 2001, United Airlines Flight 93 was hijacked by four al-Qaida terrorists. Public hearings got underway yesterday regarding the crash of a Colgan Air Dash-8 Q400 near Buffalo in February of this year. Howland: Hey Craig, Craig. AAL: Ok, we’re contacting the flight crew now, we’re alc—-, we’re also contacting ATC. 8:17:05 — 46R: AAL11, AAL one one, Boston. 8:15:45 — COA683: Climb, maintain FL310. February 5, 2009 updated Flight 1549 posts Timeline: FDNY/NYPD response Capt Sullenberger (Sully) told Katie Couric that when it first happened he was in disbelief and … ID Tech Unknown: And where did he take off out of sir? ExecJet 956: Ah, we did, but we lost him in the turn. AAL: And, I’m sorry what was your name again? Unknown Boston Controller: Ok, we think there might be somebody in the cockpit right now taking it over. I really don’t know. I wanted to give you a heads up on the Delta Airlines one nine eight niner that was in Cleveland Center’s AOR. We, I think we might have lost her. Anyone else? Lisa: Where is the 3rd hijacker now Todd? Do you have a mode 3, sir? Cleveland Center: Oh, my goodness. The pilots having a hard time talkin’ to the, I mean, we don’t know, we don’t know where he’s going, he’s headin’ towards Kennedy, he’s, ah, like I said he’s like thirty five miles north of Kennedy now at three hundred sixty seven knots. [Background] Unknown: I’d just as soon not have anyone else up there, that can—. Ah, no further information. He is handling both Flights 175 and 93, and 175 has failed to respond to his message. We’re just pickin; him up now. Start the day informed with home delivery of The New York Times newspaper. According to the 9/11 Commission: "the flight attendant, reporting from the back of the plane … Ok, the flight attendants are concerned they don’t know what’s going on in the cockpit. Cleveland Center: Did you, did you? Ok, Smurf, Panta is asking for current ROE what are we at? 38R: He won't answer you. Regan National Tower Controller: Gofer eight six, thank you. Herndon Center: United 93 is two zero miles northwest of Johnstown. Kennedy Sector: Supposedly, two nine zero, and he’s headed southeast bound? FAA HQ: What kind of airplane, do we know yet? MAYDAY examines airline accidents caused by mechanical failure, fire, mid-air collision, terrorist hijacking, and human error. Approach: Tango Juliet and say again the call sign, Powell: Panta, papa alfa november tango alfa, four five, four six. Unknown Boston Controller: Ah, not right now. Don't try to make any stupid moves. OK, I think we need to scramble Langley right now and I’m, I’m gonna take the fighters from Otis and try to chase this guy down if I can find him. American 77 was over, ah, was just west of Charleston, West Virginia, at flight level three five zero, it’s a heav—, heavy Boeing seven fifty two, and disappeared off our radar scope about twelve fifty six Z, a long with lost, ah, frequency. Scoggins: Heading westbound destination Las Vegas. [Background] Unknown: Southwest of Newark. Air Lines Flight 175 (UAL175), which took off from Logan and then were 8:13:07 — FDX3258: 12557, thank you, FDX3258. It came over the chat. Gonzalez: Ok, hold on. Indianapolis Center: Alright. Scoggins: Type aircraft is a, uh, seven sixty seven. Nasypany: Battle, battle stations or scramble? New York Center: A lot of smoke in lower Manhattan? He vividly remembers the day United Flight 93 crashed near Shanksville, in Somerset County, after the passengers and crew attempted to retake the cockpit. You want to authorize it? Boston Sector: Is that American 11 trying to call? 59. Battaglia: So, is Delta 2433 ok comin’ back? Nasypany: We’re gettin’ a position. Washington Center: Ok, he was going to LA also. 8:27:27 — UAL175: O.K. We’re sendin’ them in that general direction, we’re sendin’ them right to that Z point, and then we can, ah, we can maneuver ‘em as deemed uh. Bueno: Yes sir, departed Boston going to LAX, right now he’s out to Albany, like to scramble some fighters to go tail him. [Background] Unknown: United nine three, mode 3, one five two seven. Ah, we suspect there is someone in the cockpit that has taken over. Negative clearance to fire. OK. They’re in the back of the plane. Cleveland Center: But you may still want to talk to your company and see what the alternate plans are, they’ve, I don’t know if you’ve heard about the accident in the, ah, New York. Unknown Female Voice: Yeah, I need you to look west of Albany, American 11, and put him on your scope. The other report was regarding United 175. New York Center: Ok, just wanted to make sure you read New York, ah, United, United 175, do you read New York? Controller: Panta one call all, all and any tracks of interest, verify if they were going toward a major city, mission ID, unsuccessful, divert, ask for our clearance to shoot. We were hijacked. ID Tech: What Boston’s saying, he, the last known, and I’m not sure where we heard it, through the grapevine, people calling, is that American one one was headed toward Washington, and that’s the only thing. Boston to Los Angeles. Huntress: Okay, there is still a bit of traffic airborne, they’re not all completely down, I imagine it’s all low south of you, if you’ll hold two loops before the tanker gets, ah, Oh, [expletive], I need a check list. Delta airlines eight niner is a hijack headed, it is in your sector currently right now. Washington Center: Ah, I think he was from Boston, also. Herndon Center: No, I don’t have that information. [Background] Unknown: (Indistinct) got a hijack real world, gotta go. ID Tech Unknown: Zero eight two one five west. Controller: Panta One, Huntress, in the clear, currently at peace. Todd: … 8:15:07 — 46R: N7ML descend at pilots discretion maintain FL(?). Cleveland Center: That’s what you got out of it also? [Background] Sr. ID Tech: We have a bomb on board, Boston—. You don’t have any doctors on board? Story of the crash of Eastern Air Lines Flight 401 near Miami, FL, December 29, 1972. Weapons Position: Putting Otis on battle stations. If you try to make any moves you will injure yourself and the airplane. Nasypany: Ok, (indistinct), if need be. ID Tech: Are you the controlling agency? The transcripts were obtained by The New York Times . New York Center: Another one just hit the World Trade. Don’t try to make any stupid moves. Found inside – Page iiiThis book tells the story of how engineers and scientists finally uncovered the defect that had been engineered into the plane. is a transcript of the radio communications between air traffic [Background] Unknown: You got a military? [Background] Unknown: If they don’t, ah, if they do not, don’t respond to divert to hand signals and divert procedures and are headed toward a major area then you are cleared to engage. This is Delta eight niner, I’m not sure where his intentions are, but if you have any—oh, I’m sorry, one nine eight nine. New York Center: United one seventy five, recycle your transponder and squawk code of one four seven zero. It reveals the comments of Commander Francis R.Scobee, Pilot Michael J. Smith … Lisa: Where is the 3rd hijacker now Todd? AAL: Uhhh, we contacted Air Traffic Control. Mike Lima: Mike Lima has you loud and clear. Howland: Can you conference them in with us? Gofer 06: Gofer 06. Can I get New York TRACON? Ah, we don’t know where the aircraft is goin’. Cooper: No, this is not an exercise, not a test. Cleveland Center: Ah, calling Cleveland Center, you are unreadable, say again slowly. New York TRACON: He’s descending really quick too, Yeah. Belarus claimed to have received a bomb threat about this flight, blaming the diversion on that. SGT Huckabone: We’re goin’ to turn and burn and crank it up, ok, here we go, this is what we’re gonna do here. Regan National Tower Controller: Gofer zero six, traffic is eleven o’clock and five miles north bound, fast moving, type and altitude unknown. So, I want you to take him down into this area, hold as needed, whatever altitude they need to go for Center to make that work, is fine with me. Scoggins: We have people down there lookin’. New York Controller (Unknown): Alright. ExecJet 956: Affirmative, he said there was a bomb on board. 8:18:04 — 46R: Flex jet 420, Boston center, roger, climb, maintain FL240. Major Fox: If you have a track of interest—. Boston Center: Headin’ southwest bound, he’s like towards Hancock, ah, right, right around there. 091042 Cockpit Security ZBW Advises 3 more planes. New York TRACON: Another one just hit just hit the building. [Background] FAA: FAA Washington operations. Regan National Tower Controller: Gofer eight six [sic] climb and maintain, ah—. Nasypany: Not yet. We don’t have any target at all up here, we’re just on a telcon. [Background] FAA HQ Unknown: We’re getting a preliminary report that United 93 hit the ground about 15 miles south of Johnstown, or thereabouts. ID Tech Unknown: Ok. Do you remember when we were talking about, ah, the, the aircraft by, you guys have any idea who that aircraft was by, ah—. I have the dispatcher currently taking a current fuel on board, AAL: And, ah, we’re gonna run some profiles, AAL: To see exactly what his endurance is. Whatever Vegas is. –approximate area. Ok Mo, the aircraft that you said was by the White House is now near the Pentagon. Floor Leadership: You need to read this. Battaglia: That, that may be real traffic, nobody knows, I can’t get a hold of United one seventy five at all right now, and I don’t where he went to. Regan National Tower Controller: Gofer eight six, Gofer zero six, thank you. The transcript chronicled more than 31 minutes of conversation, beginning when a gate agent at Kennedy International Airport told the cockpit crew that everyone was … 083359 Nobody Move Please Going Back to Airport. Powell: This is Huntress placing Panta four five, four six on battle stations, I repeat battle stations, time one two four one, authenticate hotel romeo, all parties acknowledge with initials. Unknown Pilot: (Indistinct) coming out of the, ah, top of the World Trade Center building, a major fire. 10 April 2010 - Polish Air Force. Norfolk Approach: Quit 25 Norfolk Approach have you loud and clear, how me? I got two more from Toledo. Karima is caught between these two forces, either of which could have terrible consequences for her. How she resolves this dilemma is the climax of the novel. 093151 FAA TACNET Wrong Recap Line 5114. Cleveland Center Male: Right here, Delta 1989. Yes sir, go ahead. Regan National Tower Controller: Gofer zero six, approved as requested. Just stay quiet. The report says that the pilots were obviously struggling with the airplane before the tail came off and crashed. Scoggins: No. Scoggins: Doesn’t look like he’s going to Cleveland? 8:22:20 — 46R: DAL351, Boston, uh, center, roger, climb, maintain FL350. Cape Approach: Well, Ok. Well, we’ll talk to Otis here. Do you have a visual on him now, ah, Executive 956? Nasypany: Negative, negative clearance to shoot. ID Tech: Hi, this is Huntress calling, umm, I was told to give you a buzz for our, our Mission Crew Commander. No, that’s Ok. [Background] Unknown: FO. 085751 UA175 ZNY ID as UA175 complex traffic. Cleveland Center: Medex 150, ah, stand by if you would unless you got an emergency. New York Controller Unknown: (Indistinct). CVR transcript KLM Flight 4805 and Pan Am Flight 1736 collision - 27 MAR 1977 Last updated: 16 October 2004 Cockpit voice recorder transcription of the 27 … In The Plane Truth, Roger Cobb and David Primo examine the impact of high-visibility plane crashes on airline transportation policy. Regulation is disjointed and reactive, in part due to extensive media coverage of airline disasters. He’s heading eastbound. Powell: This is Huntress placing Quit two five, two six on battle stations, time one three one zero, authenticate charlie victor, that is Quit two five two six on battle stations all parties acknowledge with initials. 8:14:20 — N7ML: ML has you loud and clear. On Sept. 11, 2001, the Boeing 767 left Boston's Logan Airport at 8:14 a.m., heading for Los Angeles. 090727 Panta Over Manhattan Some Kind of Play. Cobra One: This is, ah, Cobra One, go ahead. He’s at, we think he’s at flight level two nine zero. Does, and that is from, ah, company? Syracuse CO: Ok, doesn’t help us. Scoggins: Is he descending into Cleveland, appear to be? Cape Sector: That’s what we understand, possibility of two. 87. 103. Cape Sector: Delta 2431, ah we have a message for you to heighten your cockpit security, ah, due to some activity this morning. Doesn’t look like he’s landing? 092140 Still Airborne Scramble Langley Tail Chase. MCC Position: Ok. I’ll pass that to weapons. Southwest1029: Boston Center, good morning. 0939 UA93 Bomb on Board and Controller Follow-up. So that’s American 77 and United 175? We were treating it as a lost, started to do some procedures to notify search and rescue, and what not, when—, when American Airlines told us they’d had some aircraft, or an aircraft hijacked. Ok. Also, we have the Panta four five four six, zero by ten by two by guns, three tanks. 489QS: Three four two two, 9 Quebec Sierra good day. ID Tech: Ok, and you don’t know where he’s coming from or destination? Powell: (Indistinct) if you have any questions give me a call me on the land line. 9:28 a.m.: United 93 is hijacked. You got it. Fox: I don’t know where I’m scramblin’ these guys to, I need a direction, ah, destination. ID Tech: Yeah, Huntress calling, ah, in reference to the hijacked aircraft. Listen, ah, both of these aircraft departed Boston, both were seven sixes, both heading to LA, and I’m lookin’ out on the TSD and I think that all departures out of Boston should have heightened cockpit security. Nasypany: One five two seven, mode 3, do we have a track number? LARRY KING, CNN HOST: Tonight, the passengers who fought back on United Flight 93 were parents and spouses, sons and daughters and on 9/11 they were heroes. Flight 93 Cockpit Transcript. sister projects: Wikipedia article, Wikidata item. This is a transcript of a cockpit voice recorder from United Airlines Flight #93, one of four airlines hijacked on 11 September 2001. Unknown: Yeah, that transmission you said was unreadable, it sounded like someone said they had a bomb on board. Ua175 ZNY report to Sup and code 3321 all along the way flight 11 cockpit transcript Colgan... Re getting conflicting reports on over the radio of a vector also I! 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