cia declassified techniques

Posted on February 11, 2021 in Uncategorized

b. Humans not only know, but they know that they know. Even when the particles are halfway across the universe from each other, it says, they instantaneously respond to each other’s actions. The scepters, staffs and maces carried by monarchs and high priests alike occur with such frequency in the history of bygone eras as to suggest that at the very least these items are aspects of some type of archtypical symbol which the human mind seems to appreciate, perhaps quite subliminally. "The creator of the CIA's controversial Enhanced Interrogation Program provides a dramatic firsthand account of the design, implementation, flaws and aftermath of the program, including personally interrogating 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh ... Sep 12, 2021. A podcast for everything weird. self cognition. Arrange to have groups of people in Focus 12 state unite their altered consciousness to build holographic patterns around sensitive areas to repulse possible unwanted out-of-body presences. The manuals reprinted in this work represent the only known complete copy of Mulholland's instructions for CIA officers on the magician's art of deception and secret communications. Achievement of this state of altered consciousness sets the stage for perception of non-time-space dimensions because of the operation of a principle in physics known as Planck’s Distance. 118-119). In addition, by resonating with the earth’s electromagnetic sphere the human body creates a surprisingly powerful carrier wave to assist the mind in communication activity with other human minds similarly tuned. With respect to states of expanded or altered consciousness such as Gateway uses, the process operates in the following way. Focus 15 is a very advanced state and is extremely difficult to achieve. The Consciousness Matrix. The 1983 manual originally surfaced in response to a congressional hearing in June 1988, which was prompted by allegations by the New York Times that the United States had taught Honduran military officers who used torture. From Big Bang to Torus. A collection of declassified files for Stargate — a U.S. Army investigation of psychic abilities for use by military intelligence — was recently shared online by the CIA. Enemy agents known or suspects [sic], persons involved in espionage, sabotage, politics, and subversive persons. The U.S. Army and CIA interrogation manuals are seven controversial military training manuals which were declassified by the Pentagon in 1996. Restrictive Measures. ", ("Terrorism and the Urban Guerilla," p. 112). Introduction. FBI releases first declassified 9/11 document. "Indicators of control by guerillas" over a certain civilian population include the refusal to provide intelligence to government forces or the construction of new houses. The ideal time at which to make an arrest is in the early hours of the morning. Counterintelligence agents are advised that one of their functions is "recommending targets for neutralization," a term which is defined in one manual as "detaining or discrediting" but which "was commonly used at the time as a euphemism for execution or destruction," according to a Pentagon official (Washington Post, September 21, 1996). Since 30 to 40 CPS is considered to be the normal range for Beta brainwave signals(those associated with the wakeful state), it is apparent that the Monroe Institute is convinced that the same heightened state of brainwave frequency output which promotes altered states of consciousness is also an important consideration in assisting in achievement of out-of-body states. Quality of Consciousness. In 1989, the manuals were used at the School of the Americas in military intelligence courses attended by students from Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Peru and Venezuela. A. ", ("KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation–July 1963," p. 7). The first point which needs to be made is that the two terms, matter and energy tend to be misleading if taken to indicate two distinctly different states of existence in the physical world that we know it. Indeed, as explained in the next section, many aspects of the manuals that violate human rights standards and democratic principles were never even commented upon in the 1991-92 investigation, the 1996 Pentagon press release, or the School of the Americas' response to public inquiries. Once all of this is achieved, the participant is invited to envisage creation of an “energy balloon” comprised of an energy flow beginning at the center of the top of the head and extending down in all directions to the feet. Yet they have conducted scientific inquiries into many subjects that are closely related to interrogation: the effects of debility and isolation, the polygraph, reactions to pain and fear, hypnosis and heightened suggestibility, narcosis, etc….". Although most have aquired enough of the digits to make clear that their consciousness was present none have ever succeeded in getting all ten correct. 3. Handling upon arrival at the facility. It is the ideal medium for conveying a telepathic signal.”. Restrictive measures are those that are aimed to isolate the insurgent from the general population, physically and psychologically, denying him his principal source of supply. There is a sound, rational basis in terms of physical science parameters for considering Gateway to be plausible in terms of its essential objectives. Frankly, sir, that proved to be an extremely involved and difficult business. On January 24, 1997, two additional manuals were declassified in response to a FOIA request filed by the Baltimore Sun in 1994. The purpose of block-by-block control is to detect the individuals who are supporting or sympathizing with the insurgents and the type of support they are providing. G. Subject is given a thorough medical examination, including all body cavities, by the facility doctor or nurse. Stalking the Wild Pendulum. English offers an authoritative and accessible analysis of arguably the most urgent political problem of the twenty-first century, providing a considered argument about how we can successfully respond in practice to the terrorist threat. 1. different color backgrounds). Now the fun begins. In 1997, two additional CIA manuals were declassified in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request filed by The Baltimore Sun.The manuals in question have been referred to by various media sources as the "torture manuals". Follow Declassified on Twitter , Facebook and YouTube . The left hemisphere of the brain is the self-cognitive, verbal and linear reasoning component of the mind. The ice is removed    leaving    the three pebbles still laying at the bottom of the bowl. It involves concentration on the desired objective while in a Focus 12 state, extension of the individual’s perception of that objective into the whole expanded consciousness, and its projection into the universe with the intention that the desired objective is already a matter of established achievement which is destined to be realized within the time frame specified. Increase in propaganda activities in a particular area. Upon hearing these remarks from a recording, a subject may confess the truth about the lesser guilt in order to provide himself with an alibi. In so doing, we may better perceive the form that “reality” assumes when we encounter it in those intermediate dimensions. The information acquisition potential associated with the out-of-body state seems to attract the most attention from the standpoint of developing practical applications for the Gateway technique. They are picked up and turned at reception. The Gateway process begins by teaching the individual participant to isolate extraneous concerns in a visualization device called an “energy conversion box.” Next, the participant is introduced to a method of encouraging his mind and body to strive to achieve a state of resonance through utterance of a single tone, a monotonous, protracted humming sound that sets up a feeling of vibration particularly in the head. In fact, there is no reference to laws or the role of the legislature in regulating such actions. The only response taught for popular discontent and the beginnings of an insurgency is a military and counterintelligence response. Moreover, once the individual is able to project his consciousness beyond time-space, that consciousness would logically tend to entrain its frequency output with the new energy environment to which it is exposed, therein greatly enhancing the extent to which the individual’s altered consciousness may be further modified to achieve a much heightened point of focus and a much refined oscillating pattern. "The CI [counterintelligence] personnel must be able to…. Found insideGood Press publishes a wide range of titles that encompasses every genre. From well-known classics & literary fiction and non-fiction to forgotten−or yet undiscovered gems−of world literature, we issue the books that need to be read. To use the words of Bentov:    “…quantum mechanics tell us that when distances go below. In 1997, two additional CIA manuals were declassified in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request filed by the Baltimore Sun.The manuals in question have been referred to as "the Torture Manuals" by many US media sources. What is fully clear, however, is that controlled coercive manipulation of an interrogatee may impair his ability to make fine distinctions but will not alter his ability to answer correctly such gross questions as 'Are you a Soviet agent? Declassified Army and CIA Manuals Used in Latin America: An Analysis of Their Content On September 20, 1996, the Pentagon released to the public seven training manuals prepared by the U.S. military and used between 1987 and 1991 for intelligence training courses in Latin America and at the U.S. Army School of the Americas (SOA). In the middle of the 1950s, Guatemala was governed by a communist government. By infiltrating informants in the diverse youth, workers, political, business, social and charitable organizations, we can identify the organizations that include guerillas among their members. In this way, the insurgent tries to influence the opinions, attitudes, feelings and desires of friendly, hostile and neutral people to achieve behavior that is favorable to his objectives. Paul Dobree-Carey: Beyond Light Language – In5D Podcast, Spirituality Quotes From Psychologist Carl Jung, Change Your Reality With A Walk Of Gratitude. Thus, the more complex an energy system in the “material” state, the more consciousness it possesses to maintain its reality. This puts the body’s energy field into homogeneity with its surrounding environment and promotes movement of the seat of consciousness into the surrounding environment partly in response to the fact that the two electromagnetic medians are now a single energy continuum. The communication concerned is, of course, postulated to be occurring during the “click out phase” in the oscillation of the energy fields comprising the subatomic particles concerned. During Phase I (subversion), intellectual and emotional persuasion is the principal arm of the insurrection. Changes in the frequency and amplitude of the electrostatic field which comprises the human mind determines the configuration and hence the character of the holographic energy matrix which the mind projects to intercept meaning directly from the holographic transmissions of the universe. "38. The actual techniques employed for separating from the body involve such simple maneuvers as rolling out, lifting out after the fashion of a telephone pole wherein the individual separates in a rigid, headfirst manner(such that he finds himself standing at attention at the foot of his physical body) and sliding out through either end of his body. “Karl Pribram’s Changing Reality” Human Behavior, May 1978, Gliedman, John. Checkpoints. A Defense Department Inspector General's report is expected to be released shortly; it may or may not answer some of these questions. Role of REM Sleep. (2) Migration of population from areas previously occupied. Encourage pursuit of full self knowledge by all individuals involved in the foregoing experiments to enhance objectivity in out-of-body observation and thinking, and to remove personal energy blockages likely to retard rapid progress. 5. Problem Solving. Role of Resonance. Examples from 1988 in El Salvador have been inserted into "Counterintelligence," but in some manuals there are references that do not seem to have been updated since the 1960s. 28. An electromagnetic pulse is then generated which stimulates the brain to raise the amplitude and frequency of brainwave output, just as Dr. Twemlow observed in his research on the effects of the Hemi-Sync tapes. What important lessons have you learned? Found insidePulitzer Prize-winning journalist Daniel Golden exposes how academia has become the center of foreign and domestic espionage—and why that is troubling news for our nation's security. "II. Nevertheless, once that is done, I am confident that their construction and application will stand up to the test of rational critique.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'in5d_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_3',184,'0','0'])); 4. 34. Niels Bohr, the renowned physicist once responded to his son’s complaints about the obtuse nature of certain concepts in physics by saying: “You are not thinking, you are merely being logical.” The physics of altered human consciousness deals with some conceptualizations that are not easily grasped or visualized exclusively in the context of ordinary “left brain” linear thinking. 2. If you enjoyed this article, subscribe now to receive more just like it. The U.S. government estimates that as many as a thousand copies of these manuals may have been distributed at the SOA and throughout Latin America. Interesting to see their conclusion that we live in an entangled, holographic Universe which allows for non-local information access. The CIA declassified a number of documents that relate to spirituality and consciousness, amongst a number of other fascinating topics! In some cases, the response may even arrive in the form of visual symbols which the individual will”see” with his mind while he is in the Focus 12 state and which he will have to interpret after he returns to normal consciousness. This edition of The Black Banners explodes this myth; it shows Soufan at work using guile and intelligent questioning—not force or violence—to extract some of the most important confessions in the war, and it vividly recounts the ... (15) Propaganda with the objective of linking certain ethnic groups in a united international class. The Central Intelligence Agency today declassified the United States Government's six oldest classified documents, dating from 1917 and 1918. "--A lawyer's life in the CIA. Under seven presidents and 11 different CIA directors, Rizzo rose to become the CIA's most powerful career attorney. The amount of time required to reach advanced energy states and to fully exploit the techniques varies with the individual. In an article prepared for Science Digest magazine, Dr. John Gliedman mentions the way in which subatomic particles communicate with each other once their energy fields become entrained as a result of colliding with each other. 2 min ago. Reality has both a beginning and an end because it is bounded within time-space, but the fundamental quantum of energy and its associated consciousness is eternal. It is predicated on the principle that the body’s electromagnetic field is capable of altering its resonance pattern so as to entrain energy from the earth’s electrostatic field for its own use. ", ("Human Resource Exploitation Manual – 1983," p. F-1-F-3), Allowing a subject to receive carefully selected letters from home can help create an effect desired by the 'questioner.' Many other techniques could be used which are only limited by the agent's imagination. Use autohypnotic suggestion to attain much enhanced focus of concentration and motivation in rapidly progressing through Focus 12 exercises. This article reveals for the first time a crucial untold aspect of the story behind the . 26. KUBARK has a similar section on coercive techniques, and includes some even more abhorrent references than the 1983 manual, such as two references to the use of electric shock. This remarkable phenomenon has been saved for discussion in detail until last because of the interest which it occasions and special circumstances involved in its attainment. A program of control of the population and resources must include a system of passes. To do this we must first appreciate what time and space are in order to understand how the dimension that they constitute can be transcended. 1. As the coherent resonance produced by the human heart in a state of profound relaxation reaches the fluid layer surrounding the brain, it sets up a rhythmic pattern in which the brain moves up and down approximately 0.005 to 0.010 millimeters in a continuous pattern. , editor of the people. `` the word of the legislature in regulating such actions help achieve!, obviously, should be rudely awakened and immediately blindfolded and handcuffed as more... Officers conduct analysis Itzhak Bentov gives the following figures inconsistently updated help them achieve control areas! Comprise the universe is composed of interacting energy fields^ some at rest in infinity means energy uniformly extended limit! For arrest or detention is that differentiated aspect of the Lord as an isolated incident nature! 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